The Great Falls Symphony FAMILY MATINEE series presents “Tall Tales” - a free concert

The Great Falls Symphony Association is proud to present our first ever FREE Family Concert on Saturday, March 30, 2019, 11:00 AM at the Mansfield Theater.
Bring your children to the historic Mansfield Theater and introduce them to the magic of a live symphony experience! No tickets are required to attend this concert. Be sure to arrive in time to find a seat.
The Free Family Matinee is a new offering from the Great Falls Symphony and is an extension of the Youth Matinee Series. The Youth Matinee Series is offered every year to area students in the public, private and home schools. Now, because of the generous support of Brad Talcott and Linda Caricaburu, we are excited to share this concert series with the public.
In order to help make the experience more understandable and entertaining, the Family Matinee is presented in a fun and interactive learning environment. Lights, actors and stimulating visuals enhance the one-hour concert experience. Study materials are also made available through the Symphony website.
Maestro Grant Harville, the Great Falls Symphony Orchestra, and retired Great Falls Public School teachers Stacy Bergquist and Tom Spencer will take the audience on a humorous adventure to discover how “Tall Tales” can be told through symphonic music.
This concert will be presented in a short, one-hour format without intermission.
WHO: The Great Falls Symphony
WHAT: Family Matinee Concert
WHEN/WHERE: Saturday, March 30, 2019 at 11:00 am
Great Falls Mansfield Theater - 2 Park Dr. S