Plan your Experience
Great music is for EVERYONE.
Here's what to know before you go to make your experience a great one.
Enjoy the music!
Everyone experiences concerts in different ways; some people closely follow the printed program during a piece, some listen with their eyes closed, some follow the conductor’s every gesture, some do all of these and more.
The important thing is to help create and sustain an environment where everyone in the hall can totally immerse themselves in the beauty and magic of the live performance of fine music.
When do I clap?
Short answer: Whenever you feel like it.
Long answer: a tradition has emerged in classical performance not to clap between movements (subsections of larger pieces; you can see them listed on the program page). There are a number of justifications for this, both good and bad, but it's a relatively recent practice and it's not set in stone. (In Brahms's day, dead silence between movements was taken, and intended, as an insult.) We're not in the business of stifling genuine displays of emotion; in fact, we're trying to do the opposite: inspire them. If you're moved to laugh, then laugh. If you're moved to cry, cry. And if you're moved to applaud, by all means applaud. No performer ever said, "What a terrible audience - they clapped too much."
Generally speaking, the "rules" of attending a classical performance are the same as a movie theater. Don't be afraid to react sincerely to what you hear. Just remember that the people around you are trying to listen too. So, out of respect to your audience-mates and performers, please refrain from whispering or using your phone during the music. For the same reason (along with intellectual property issues), we also don't allow photos or audio/video recordings during the performance.
The instant the music is over, we hope you'll shout from the rooftops (phone use encouraged!) about all the wonderful things you heard. We just ask that you save it until it won't be a distraction for the people around you.

Dress code?
As there is no set dress code for concerts, please wear clothes that make you feel relaxed and comfortable. You may see some people dressed in formal clothes while others may be dressed casually. Do not let your wardrobe keep you from enjoying a concert.
Please plan on arriving 30 minutes before the start of the concert. This will give you ample time to find that good parking spot and to locate your assigned seat. This is also a good time to turn off your cell phone and flip through the program.
If you arrive late due to circumstances beyond your control, please wait to be seated until the ushers signal to you that it is okay to proceed.
Please do not talk, whisper, eat or drink during the concert as it may prevent those sitting around you from enjoying the evening. When in doubt, avoid doing anything that will make anyone take his or her attention away from the performers.
We commend any parent, guardian, grandparent, or mentor who wishes to make wonderful music a part of a child's life! Your whole family is welcome to enjoy Great Falls Symphony programs. However, keep in mind that some program repertoire or content may be better suited to youngsters of a certain age or experience, and you want to make sure that the child is able to sit quietly without distracting other audience members.
Children are welcome at our concerts when, in your estimation, they are able to be attentive and enjoy the experience. In order to comply with regulations, all audience members must have a ticket and seat to attend a performance.


ADA Compliance
The Mansfield Theater is in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Patrons with disabilities who visit the Mansfield Theater are offered the same opportunity to participate in and benefit from the services, activities, and goods offered to all other patrons.
ADA positions are available for purchase through the Mansfield Theater online, over the phone, by mail, or in person. Click here to view a theater map of the Mansfield.
If exchanges are allowed and available, ADA patrons must bring their tickets to the Mansfield Theater for exchange (fees apply).
If a patron with an ADA position can't attend a concert or show, that patron may sell, give away, or donate their tickets to the Great Falls Symphony; but if sold or given to a non wheelchair patron, that patron must exchange their tickets to a non-ADA position/fixed theater seat (fees may apply).
The ADA entrance at the Mansfield Theater is located at the "F" door on the north east corner of the Mansfield Theater. The entrance has a ramp and an automatic door.
Patrons may utilize the Mansfield Theater's elevator (located on the north side of the Theater lobby) to get to the second floor. To access the balcony, there are fourteen stairs and then two stairs per row.
The Mansfield Theater offers assisted listening devices that may be checked out from the box office in the lobby of the Theater.
The Great Falls Symphony offers large print programs upon request. Ushers will be able to provide a large print program before the concert.
For more information on ADA compliance, please contact the Mansfield Theater by email or by calling 406-455-8514.